The Complete 2021 Leadership & Management Bundle for $19 September 01, 2021 at 07:00PM

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Time Management


“Time is money”, the saying goes, but lots of it gets lost in disorganization and disruption. Many people find that they flit from one task to another, trying to get everything done. By implementing the right time management tools and techniques, you can become more efficient at work, reduce stress and enjoy a good work-life balance. In this course, you will learn how to make the most of your time by setting your goals and identifying your priorities, getting a grip on your workflow and office space, using your planner effectively, and more.

  • Access 12 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Better organize yourself & your workspace for peak efficiency
  • Understand the importance of, & the most useful techniques for setting and achieving goals
  • Identify the right things to be doing & develop plans for doing them
  • Learn what & how to delegate
  • Take control of things that can derail your workplace productivity
  • Set up your personal action plan
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

Communication Strategies for Business Success


Have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to talk with some people and so easy to talk with others? Can you recall an occasion where you met someone for the first time and immediately liked that person? Something about the individual made you feel comfortable. A major goal of this workshop is to help you understand the impact that your communication skills have on other people. Explore how improving these skills can make it easier for you to get along in the workplace and life.

  • Access 12 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Identify common communication problems that may be holding you back
  • Develop skills to ask questions
  • Learn what your non-verbal messages are telling others
  • Develop skills in listening actively & empathetically to others
  • Enhance your ability to handle difficult situations
  • Deal with situations assertively
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

Developing Your Critical Thinking Skills


We are all bombarded with messages to believe various ideas, purchase things, support causes, and live our lives in a particular way. A key skill is to develop critical thinking skills to effectively reason through problems and to present arguments in a logical, compelling way. This course will give you some practical tools and hands-on experience with critical thinking and problem-solving.

  • Access 11 lectures & 9 hours of content 24/7
  • Define critical & non-critical thinking
  • Identify your critical thinking style(s), including areas of strength & improvement
  • Work through the critical thinking process to build or analyze arguments
  • Improve key critical thinking skills, including active listening & questioning
  • Use analytical thought systems & creative thinking techniques
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

How to Get Stuff Done: Personal Development Boot Camp


Why are there so many different organizational systems and time management methods out there? The answer is simple: it’s like any other personal challenge, like weight loss or money management. There is no simple, one size fits all answer. You must build a solution that works for you. we will explore various time management and organizational tools and techniques so that you can build a customized productivity plan for your personal and professional lives. At the end of the course, you will emerge with a plan that works for you, so that you can start regaining control of your life!

  • Access 14 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Identify what personal efficiency is, what skill sets can improve your personal productivity, & what attitudes we should cultivate
  • Explain why multi-tasking is a myth
  • Describe what role long-term goals play in short-term efficiency
  • Share a personal vision & develop dreams and goals from it
  • Apply the 80/20 rule & learn how it should affect planning
  • Identify the characteristics of a good organizational system
  • Develop a plan for an efficient workspace, including a customized information center & a filing system
  • Apply a system that will allow you to process any type of information that crosses your desk, including e-mail, electronic files, paper files, voice mail, text messages, & drop-in visitors
  • Use the Eisenhower principle to prioritize work
  • Say no
  • Use routines to simplify your life
  • Understand why you procrastinate & develop methods for tackling tasks
  • Apply ideas & tools to make your household more productive and efficient
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

10 Soft Skills You Need


Soft Skills allow us to effectively work with others and contribute to a more harmonious and productive workplace as well as to our own overall job happiness and satisfaction. This course touches on a core set of soft skills such as “Effective Communication,” “Networking,” “Time management,” etc., that will allow you to enhance your personal interactions and lead to greater job performance. You will learn to manage and look at the way people interact and see things in a new light, improving in almost every aspect of your career.

  • Access 12 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Understand how soft skills contribute to success in the workplace
  • Understand the 10 key soft skills everyone should master: (Effective Communication, Teamwork, Problem Solving, Time Management, Attitude & Work Ethic, Adaptability, Flexibility, Self-Confidence, Ability to Learn, Networking)
  • Use soft skills to relate more effectively to others in the workplace as well as to customers
  • Take advantage of soft skills to communicate better, problem-solve, & resolve conflict
  • Apply soft skills to specific situations
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

Advanced Writing Skills


Writing is one of the basic communication tools of humanity. What you are reading now has been written by someone, and depending on the effectiveness of the writing, you will or will not buy this course. If you already have good writing skills but want to bring your business writing to the next level, this course is for you. This course touches on how to improve your writing to make it more effective and punchy, crucial writing and editing techniques, writing mechanics, and the different types of business writing.

  • Access 6 lectures & 5 hours of content 24/7
  • Make your writing clear, complete, concise, & correct
  • Improve sentence construction & paragraph development
  • Deal with specific business requests
  • Create effective business cases, proposals, & reports
  • Thoroughly document sources that you can use in your writing
  • Write effectively for a business environment
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

Selling Smarter


It’s no secret that the sales industry continues to change and evolve rapidly. This is an exciting and dynamic profession, although it is often underrated and misunderstood. The back-slapping, high-pressure, joke-telling sales person has disappeared. In his place is a new generation of sales professionals: highly trained and well-groomed, with the characteristics of honesty, trustworthiness, and competence. This will help you know how to be one of those smart sales professionals.

  • Access 11 lectures & 9 hours of content 24/7
  • Explain & apply concepts of customer-focused selling
  • Use goal-setting techniques as a way to focus on what you want to accomplish & develop strategies for getting there
  • Apply success techniques to get the most out of your work
  • Understand productivity techniques to maximize your use of time
  • Identify ways to find new clients & network effectively
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

How to Overcome Objections to Nail the Sale


If you are like most sales professionals, you are always looking for ways to overcome customer objections and close the sale. This course will help you to work through objectives effectively. We will help you plan and prepare for objections so that you can address customer concerns, reduce the number of objections you encounter, and improve your averages at closing sales.

  • Access 12 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Identify the steps you can take to build your credibility
  • Identify the objections that you encounter most frequently
  • Develop appropriate responses when prospective buyers throw you a curve
  • Learn ways to disarm objections with proven rebuttals that get the sale back on track
  • Learn how to recognize when a prospect is ready to buy
  • Identify how working with your sales team can help you succeed
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

Negotiating for Results


Negotiating is about resolving differences. People who can master the negotiation process find they can save time and money, develop a higher degree of satisfaction with outcomes at home and work, and earn greater respect in their communities when they understand how to negotiate well. Negotiating is a fundamental fact of life. Whether you are working on a project or fulfilling support duties, this workshop will provide you with a basic comfort level to negotiate in any situation. This course includes techniques to promote effective communication and gives you techniques for turning face-to-face confrontation into side-by-side problem solving

  • Access 12 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Know how often we all negotiate & the benefits of good negotiation skills
  • Understand the importance of preparing for the negotiation process, regardless of the circumstances
  • Learn various negotiation styles & their advantages and disadvantages
  • Learn strategies for dealing with tough or unfair tactics
  • Practice skills in developing alternatives & recognizing options
  • Know basic negotiation principles, including BATNA, WATNA, WAP, & the ZOPA
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

Dynamite Sales Presentations


A great sales presentation does not demand that you have all the bells and whistles to impress the client with your technical skills. Rather, try impressing your clients with your knowledge of the products and services you sell and your understanding of their problems and the solutions they need. This will help you know how to create a winning proposal and turn it into a dynamite sales presentation.

  • Access 11 lectures & 9 hours of content 24/7
  • Identify the key elements of a quality proposal
  • Perfect your first impression, including your dress & your handshake
  • Feel more comfortable & professional in face-to-face presentations
  • Write a winning proposal
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

Building Relationships for Success in Sales


No one questions that making friends is a good thing. In this course, discover that business is making friends, and the business of all sales professionals is making friends and building relationships. Strategic friendships will make or break any business, no matter how big and what kind of market.

  • Access 11 lectures & 9 hours of content 24/7
  • Know the benefits of developing a support network of connections
  • Learn how building relationships can help you develop your business base
  • Apply communication techniques to build your network
  • Know the key elements in strong working relationships, & how you might put more of these elements in your working relationships
  • Learn key interpersonal skills
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

Building Better Teams


Teams are an important building block of successful organizations. Whether the focus is on service, quality, cost, value, speed, efficiency, performance, or other similar goals, teams are the basic unit that supports most organizations. With teams at the core of corporate strategy, an organization’s success can depend on how well team members operate together. How are their problem-solving skills? Is the team enthusiastic and motivated to do its best? Do they work well together? This course can help you get there!

  • Access 10 lectures & 8 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn the value of working as a team
  • Develop team norms, ground rules, & team contracts
  • Identify your team player style & how to use it with your own team
  • Learn techniques for building team trust
  • Know the stages of team development & how to help a team move through them
  • Understand the critical role communication skills will play in building & maintaining a team atmosphere
  • Learn ways that team members can be involved & grow in a team setting
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

Coaching & Mentoring Skills


Coach, Mentor, Role Model, Supporter, Guide… Do these words ring a bell? Being a coach involves being able to draw from several disciplines. Coaching is based on a partnership that involves giving both support and challenging opportunities to employees. Mentorship is a related skill that is often a part of coaching. It’s about being a guide, offering wisdom and advice when it is needed. Knowing how and when to coach (and when to use other tools, like mentoring) is an essential skill that can benefit both you and your organization.

  • Access 10 lectures & 10 hours of content 24/7
  • Know how coaching can be used to develop a team
  • Learn coaching & mentoring skills that help improve individual performance
  • Develop the behaviors & practices of an effective coach
  • Recognize employees’ strengths & give them the feedback they need they need to succeed
  • Identify employee problems & learn ways that they can help correct them
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

Influence & Persuasion Training


When we talk about influence and persuasion, we often talk about marketing and sales. However, we influence in many ways and with great frequency. If you want a raise, sometimes you need to persuade your boss. If you want to convince your team to adopt a change, help your staff make choices, or choose the best place for lunch, there is often influencing taking place. Learn how to influence and persuade in a variety of areas.

  • Access 7 lectures & 6 hours of content 24/7
  • Make decisions about using persuasion versus manipulation
  • Apply the concepts of pushing & pulling when influencing others
  • Use different techniques for getting persuasive conversations & presentations underway
  • Make a persuasive presentation by using the 5 S’s
  • Apply storytelling techniques to extend influence
  • Leverage concepts of neuro-linguistic programming in everyday influence & persuasion
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

Leadership Skills for Supervisors


Supervisors represent an important force in the economy. You have the power to turn on or turn off the productivity of the people who report to you. You are the crucial interface between the employee on the shop floor or the service desk and the organization's managers. Although you usually have more technical experience than the employees you supervise, you may not have had a lot of leadership experience. This course will give you the communication, coaching, and conflict skills you need to be successful.

  • Access 9 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7
  • Learn ways to prioritize, plan, & manage your time
  • Identify your primary leadership style
  • Develop some flexibility to use other leadership styles
  • Determine ways you can meet the needs of employees and co-workers through communication & coaching
  • Explore ways to make conflict a powerful force for creative, well-rounded solutions to problems
This course may be eligible for CEUs. Continuing Education Units or CEUs are courses specifically designed for professionals to continue learning their trade and stay informed on new updates in their industry. These courses are intensive and usually need to be taken annually to really stay up to date, depending on the guidelines in your state and career.


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: desktop & mobile
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels
  • Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here


  • Any device with basic specifications


Cudoo® by, the flagship product of, is a comprehensive and practical lifestyle e-learning platform offering a growing library of 800+ online courses across languages, professional and self-development skills. Its one-for-one initiative has donated more than 150,000 courses to help over 19,000 people improve their lives.

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