Building Your Brand with Porter Gale for $9 April 12, 2019 at 02:00AM

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Expires April 12, 2024 23:59 PST
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Every successful business needs to have a clear brand message. Porter Gale is a consultant and former VP of marketing for Virgin America. In this class, she’ll teach you everything you need to know to a business idea all the way to the front pages of major publications. This class condenses 20 years of knowledge in creative development, social media, email marketing and PR and delivers it all in concise, easy to follow steps.

  • Access 12 lectures & 14.5 hours of content 24/7
  • Discuss naming your company
  • Create a corporate culture
  • Explore multi-channel marketing


Important Details

  • Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
  • Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming, download for offline access
  • Certification of completion not included
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Experience level required: all levels


  • Internet required



Porter Gale is an internationally known public speaker, networker, and entrepreneur with more than twenty years of experience working in marketing, advertising, and independent filmmaking. From 2007 to 2011, Porter was Vice President of Marketing at Virgin America. Prior to Virgin America, Porter was a consultant and held the post of general manager at Kirshenbaum Bond + Partners San Francisco. She was awarded the Changing the Game Award by the Advertising Women of New York (AWNY), was on AdAge’s Digital Hotlist, iMedia's Top 25-Digital Marketers, and named a Digital Passionista by The Huffington Post. She lives with her daughter in San Francisco. She is also a blogger for AdAge and The Huffington Post.

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