Earworms MBT Language Learning Bundle Vol. 1-3 for $14 March 25, 2019 at 02:00AM

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Expires June 25, 2019 23:59 PST
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Ever heard a song so catchy it gets stuck in your head? That's an earworm! Named after these memorable tunes, Earworms Musical Brain Training (MBT) uses this same phenomenon to teach you new languages. Simply listen to the music filled with rhythmic repetitions a few times, and you'll subconsciously acquire a collection of verbs, nouns and connecting words, creating a survival kit of immediately useful words and phrases. From ordering food to holding a simple conversation, you'll gain valuable knowledge that you can put to use on your next trip abroad.

  • Access 3 volumes of musical language learning for Latin American Spanish
  • Examine common situations, like taking a taxi, going to a restaurant & finding your way
  • Learn how to talk about yourself, others & general conversational items
  • Discover how to mix & match vocabulary you already know
  • Access 200 minutes of continuous audio


System Requirements

  • Note: Content can be uploaded to iPod, iPhone, Android or other MP3 players for use on the go. Download to PC first then transfer to your device.

Important Details

  • Length of access: lifetime
  • Language: Latin American Spanish
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Over 200 minutes of continuous audio, gaps in time for you to repeat are not necessary
  • Phrase books included

About the Developer

Developed by language teaching experts, Earworms MBT (Musical Brain Trainer) is based on the science behind catchy songs that stick in the head: the music acts as a catalyst for the memorization of words and anchors the new vocabulary deep in the long term memory. Listening to melodious music puts users into a relaxed state of alertness, the 'Alpha state' the ideal condition for learning. The sound patterns of melodies, with rhythmic repetitions from a mesmeric male voice who speaks the English and a native speaker for the target language, 'worm' their way deep into the memory, permanently burning into the aural cortex -- an area of the brain from which words can instantly be recalled. In this way, essential words and phrases will literally be ringing in the ears, making the learning of a new language effortless and enjoyable. Each course comes with an integrated phrase-book that contains all the words and phrases spoken, plus the phonetic sounds of the word.

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